📦10 May 2024

Welcome to Wonderland

Hello Wonderers! You should all be familiar with #WatIsWonderland by now but if you’re not, don’t worry. Simply head over to app.sanctum.so/wonderland to sign up today.

When in Wonderland, you’ll be able to buy LSTs, collect adorable pets, and level them up. We have seen many screenshots of your pets online and we absolutely love them, so please keep sharing them with us. Additionally, quests have been a whole lot of fun, and it's heartwarming to see our community, you guys, come together to solve them!

A huge thank you to each and everyone of you for your support along the way and making Wonderland a hug success. Your support is what fuels our commitment to continuously improve and expand Wonderland. We're working hard to make your experience even better, so we appreciate your patience and continued support.

Slippage Tolerance

Introducing our new feature: Slippage Tolerance! You can now set a desired percentage of tolerable slippage for your trades. Choose from a range of predefined maximum slippage values (0.3%, 0.5%, 1%) or set your own preferred value if you’d like. The default slippage tolerance is set to 0.3% for your convenience. Happy trading!

New LSTs

We launched the following LSTs these week, do check them out in our LSTs page!

  1. fpSOL by FP

Also new

🔗 Link to SolanaFM for all LSTs in our LST page.

💱 Added LST↔SOL exchange rate for all LSTs in our LST page.

Last updated


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