1. Creating the token mint
We recommend using MacOS or Linux when following this guide.
1. Installing Solana Tools
Before starting, you need to follow this guide to install Solana Tools on our system, and this one to install the tooling for SPL tokens specifically. If you need assistance, feel free to reach out to us.
2. Create folder
3. Prepare Off-chain Metadata and Token Logo
First, in order to serve the off-chain metadata and the token logo image, we need to decide where should these files be hosted.
Metaplex foundation has an excellent guide explaining some of the options for storage providers: https://developers.metaplex.com/storage-providers. The documentation is targeted towards NFT projects but it is still applicable to our situation.
Although not ideal, a popular option is to use Github, it's less robust than Arweave or other decentralized options but more convenient if you're not so comfortable. You can submit a pull request here.
Once you picked a storage provider, we can proceed to upload your token logo image file. For example, here is pwrSOL token logo hosted on Arweave: https://arweave.net/vmJI1aPZNfTTIWH7ZLFxBP1VK7ptapg1hBukoDDNPME
With the URL of your hosted token logo image, we can prepare a json
file containing the off-chain metadata and upload it to your storage provider of choice, e.g.:
With the off-chain metadata correctly pointing your token logo image hosted on a storage provider, we can now proceed to the on-chain portion of the setup process.
4. Setting Up Token Mint and On-chain Metadata Accounts
Here we will need to create another json
file that will contain your token's on-chain metadata. The uri
field should be set to the URL obtained from the last step (off-chain metadata), e.g.:
For creating a token mint account and an on-chain metadata account, we like to use the metaboss
command line tool: https://github.com/samuelvanderwaal/metaboss
Grinding a vanity keypair (optional)
If you wish to use a vanity key for your token mint, please refer to this guide from Solana.
Once you obtain a keypair, run metaboss
If you don't want to grind your own keypair, then simply run:
After a successful run, you should see the signature of the transaction as well as token mint address and on-chain metadata address e.g.:
5. Disable the freeze authority and temporarily transfer the mint authority to Sanctum
After your token mint account is setup, the freeze authority of the token should be disabled as follows:
And temporarily transfer the mint authority to Sanctum:
is the manager key controlled by Sanctum.
To launch your stake pool, you'll need to temporarily transfer the mint authority of your LST to us. Once your stake pool is live, the mint authority will be transferred to your pool, ensuring that only your stake pool can mint new LSTs.
By using an explorer, make sure the following values are correctly set for your token mint account:
9 decimals
0 initial supply
no freeze authority
And confirm the on-chain metadata is correctly loading, e.g.:
Last updated