3. Technical details

After receiving the form submission, we will create the LST and integrate it automatically into our Router and Reserve infrastructure, which will make your LST truly liquid and composable. Infinity support, however, is not provided by default.

You can also double-check the stake pool information byUsing the Sanctum Stake Pool Program CLI

From that moment on, your LST will be tradeable on Jupiter, our website and be available on our stats API and trading API. Jupiter and our trading API will aways give your users the best price across liquid markets (AMMs and CLOBs), the Router and Infinity. If you want to achieve specific integrations, you may want to integrate the Jupiter or Sanctum API, or the Router Rust SDK.

We tend to keep the manager and staker authorities for convenience and saving operators the burden of running their own delegation crank.

A few disclaimers:

  • the Router isn't accepting stake accounts if they're not Active and withdraw transactions will fail if the amount to be withdrawn is superior to the active stake account amount (which can be obtained Using the Sanctum Stake Pool Program CLI) - this can easily be mitigated by staking the required amount a prior epoch before testing.

  • the delegation crank only supports single-validator delegation for now (being worked on).

  • there's a permissionless update crank instruction that needs to be ran every Solana epoch on the stake pool before any deposits or withdraws can happen with it. At the start of the epoch, these cranks are not yet run so all the routes go through swapping on jup which is affected by lack of liquidity. Once the crank is ran, direct deposits and withdraws with the pool can happen again. We run a crank but recommend teams to run their own as a backup;

Last updated