Frequently asked questions about Creator Coins.

Must I hold my Creator Coins in my wallet?

Yes. We can only attribute your support to you if your Creator Coins are held directly in your wallet. Only Creator Coins that are held directly in your wallet will earn you Seeds.

Are perks mandatory?

No, perks are completely optional.

Some creators may use your support to improve the quality of content or experiences they share with the community. While perks can be a rewarding bonus, please respect each creator’s choice and avoid farming creators simply for potential perks.

Can I use Creator Coins in DeFi?

The community is free to integrate Creator Coins in DeFi and you are free to use the Coins in these integrations. However, Seeds will only be earned for Coin balances that are held directly in a wallet. Liquidity pool tokens or any derivatives of Creator Coins will not be considered support and will not earn you Seeds. Sanctum has not set up any DeFi integrations for Creator Coins (as of 09 Dec 2024).

Why is my Creator Coin not priced 1:1 with SOL?

When you swap from SOL to a Creator Coin, it is likely that you will not get exactly 1 Creator Coin for every 1 SOL that you swap from. This is due to the deposit fees, Solana transaction fees and other potential route fees that you'd have to pay for that swap. However, note that the true price of a Creator Coin is always 1:1 with SOL.

Will I lose my Seeds if I stop supporting creators?

No. When you stop supporting a creator (swap out of their Coin), your Seed balance will always be tied to your wallet.

Last updated


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